var events = require('events'); var util = require('util'); var debug = require('debug')('hci-usb'); var usb = require('usb'); var HCI_COMMAND_PKT = 0x01; var HCI_ACLDATA_PKT = 0x02; var HCI_EVENT_PKT = 0x04; var OGF_HOST_CTL = 0x03; var OCF_RESET = 0x0003; function BluetoothHciSocket() { this._isUp = false; this._hciEventEndpointBuffer = new Buffer(0); this._aclDataInEndpointBuffer = new Buffer(0); } util.inherits(BluetoothHciSocket, events.EventEmitter); BluetoothHciSocket.prototype.setFilter = function(filter) { // no-op }; BluetoothHciSocket.prototype.bindRaw = function(devId) { this.bindUser(devId); this._mode = 'raw'; this.reset(); }; BluetoothHciSocket.prototype.bindUser = function(devId) { this._mode = 'user'; if (process.env.BLUETOOTH_HCI_SOCKET_USB_VID && process.env.BLUETOOTH_HCI_SOCKET_USB_PID) { var usbVid = parseInt(process.env.BLUETOOTH_HCI_SOCKET_USB_VID); var usbPid = parseInt(process.env.BLUETOOTH_HCI_SOCKET_USB_PID); debug('using USB VID = ' + usbVid + ', PID = ' + usbPid); if (process.env.BLUETOOTH_HCI_SOCKET_USB_BUS && process.env.BLUETOOTH_HCI_SOCKET_USB_ADDRESS) { var usbBus = parseInt(process.env.BLUETOOTH_HCI_SOCKET_USB_BUS); var usbAddress = parseInt(process.env.BLUETOOTH_HCI_SOCKET_USB_ADDRESS); debug('using USB BUS = ' + usbBus + ', Address = ' + usbAddress); var usbDevices = usb.getDeviceList(); for (var i = 0; i < usbDevices.length; i++) { var usbDeviceDesc = usbDevices[i].deviceDescriptor; if ((usbDeviceDesc.idVendor == usbVid) && (usbDeviceDesc.idProduct == usbPid) && (usbDevices[i].busNumber == usbBus) && (usbDevices[i].deviceAddress == usbAddress)) { this._usbDevice = usbDevices[i]; } } } else { this._usbDevice = usb.findByIds(usbVid, usbPid); } } else { this._usbDevice = usb.findByIds(0x0CF3,0xE300) || // Qualcomm Atheros QCA61x4 usb.findByIds(0x0a5c, 0x21e8) || // Broadcom BCM20702A0 usb.findByIds(0x0a5c, 0x21ec) || // Broadcom BCM20702A0 usb.findByIds(0x19ff, 0x0239) || // Broadcom BCM20702A0 usb.findByIds(0x0a12, 0x0001) || // CSR usb.findByIds(0x0b05, 0x17cb) || // ASUS BT400 usb.findByIds(0x8087, 0x07dc) || // Intel 7260 usb.findByIds(0x0489, 0xe07a); // Broadcom BCM20702A1 ; } if (!this._usbDevice) { throw new Error('No compatible USB Bluetooth 4.0 device found!'); }; this._usbDeviceInterface = this._usbDevice.interfaces[0]; this._aclDataOutEndpoint = this._usbDeviceInterface.endpoint(0x02); this._hciEventEndpoint = this._usbDeviceInterface.endpoint(0x81); this._aclDataInEndpoint = this._usbDeviceInterface.endpoint(0x82); this._usbDeviceInterface.claim(); }; BluetoothHciSocket.prototype.bindControl = function() { this._mode = 'control'; }; BluetoothHciSocket.prototype.isDevUp = function() { return this._isUp; }; BluetoothHciSocket.prototype.start = function() { if (this._mode === 'raw' || this._mode === 'user') { this._hciEventEndpoint.on('data', this.onHciEventEndpointData.bind(this)); this._hciEventEndpoint.startPoll(); this._aclDataInEndpoint.on('data', this.onAclDataInEndpointData.bind(this)); this._aclDataInEndpoint.startPoll(); } }; BluetoothHciSocket.prototype.stop = function() { if (this._mode === 'raw' || this._mode === 'user') { this._hciEventEndpoint.stopPoll(); this._hciEventEndpoint.removeAllListeners(); this._aclDataInEndpoint.stopPoll(); this._aclDataInEndpoint.removeAllListeners(); } }; BluetoothHciSocket.prototype.write = function(data) { debug('write: ' + data.toString('hex')); if (this._mode === 'raw' || this._mode === 'user') { var type = data.readUInt8(0); if (HCI_COMMAND_PKT === type) { this._usbDevice.controlTransfer(usb.LIBUSB_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | usb.LIBUSB_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE, 0, 0, 0, data.slice(1)); } else if(HCI_ACLDATA_PKT === type) { this._aclDataOutEndpoint.transfer(data.slice(1)); } } }; BluetoothHciSocket.prototype.onHciEventEndpointData = function(data) { debug('HCI event: ' + data.toString('hex')); if (data.length === 0) { return; } // add to buffer this._hciEventEndpointBuffer = Buffer.concat([ this._hciEventEndpointBuffer, data ]); if (this._hciEventEndpointBuffer.length < 2) { return; } // check if desired length var pktLen = this._hciEventEndpointBuffer.readUInt8(1); if (pktLen <= (this._hciEventEndpointBuffer.length - 2)) { var buf = this._hciEventEndpointBuffer.slice(0, pktLen + 2); if (this._mode === 'raw' && buf.length === 6 && ('0e0401030c00' === buf.toString('hex') || '0e0402030c00' === buf.toString('hex'))) { debug('reset complete'); this._isUp = true; } // fire event this.emit('data', Buffer.concat([ new Buffer([HCI_EVENT_PKT]), buf ])); // reset buffer this._hciEventEndpointBuffer = this._hciEventEndpointBuffer.slice(pktLen + 2); } }; BluetoothHciSocket.prototype.onAclDataInEndpointData = function(data) { debug('ACL Data In: ' + data.toString('hex')); if (data.length === 0) { return; } // add to buffer this._aclDataInEndpointBuffer = Buffer.concat([ this._aclDataInEndpointBuffer, data ]); if (this._aclDataInEndpointBuffer.length < 4) { return; } // check if desired length var pktLen = this._aclDataInEndpointBuffer.readUInt16LE(2); if (pktLen <= (this._aclDataInEndpointBuffer.length - 4)) { var buf = this._aclDataInEndpointBuffer.slice(0, pktLen + 4); // fire event this.emit('data', Buffer.concat([ new Buffer([HCI_ACLDATA_PKT]), buf ])); // reset buffer this._aclDataInEndpointBuffer = this._aclDataInEndpointBuffer.slice(pktLen + 4); } }; BluetoothHciSocket.prototype.reset = function() { var cmd = new Buffer(4); // header cmd.writeUInt8(HCI_COMMAND_PKT, 0); cmd.writeUInt16LE(OCF_RESET | OGF_HOST_CTL << 10, 1); // length cmd.writeUInt8(0x00, 3); debug('reset'); this.write(cmd); }; module.exports = BluetoothHciSocket;